Hello AllHappy Friday to you!? We all weave webs in our lives. We weave families, friendships, careers and purpose. We can weave with deep feelings of love, compassion, laughter, trust, patience, wisdom and truth. We can also weave with deep feelings of hate, sorrow, anger, contempt and lies. It is our choice what we weave … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday to you!? Welcome to our new year of 2021! Today’s date is 1-22-2021 which is a perfect day to show you how 22 can be a BIG Godsign to you about Mastery. 11, 22 and 33 are considered mastery numbers. Another example of how 22 can be a sign to you of mastery just … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday to you! Are you ready for an end-of-year treat? There is going to be an especially vibrant planetary conjunction easily visible in the evening sky over the next two weeks as the bright planets Jupiter and Saturn come together, culminating on the night of Dec. 21, known popularly as the ‘Christmas Star’. In 1610, … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday to you!? This time in December has been celebrated since ancient times because of the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. We gathered together in festivals to celebrate that the days would now begin to get longer again. Long, long, LONG before there were celebrations of the birth of Yeshua Ben … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday Love is the bridge between you and everything.– Rumi Obviously, we are about to go from the year 2020 to the year 2021 . . . All together now – THANK GOD! 2020 was the year the pendulum of life continuously swung between 20 on the left and 20 on the right. The 20 on … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday Houston, Tranquillity Base here. The Eagle has landed.– Neil Armstrong The Eagles are soaring in our skies and they are magnificent to see. I was fortunate enough this week to see 3 bald eagles flying above me while on a bike ride along the river. Spirit said it was a good time to remind … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookednessof the treacherous destroys them.Proverbs 11:3 I give you my word. And my word given to you matters very much. Does your word matter? If you give someone ‘your word’ does it matter? There was a time that most people would say that giving … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday The LORD repay you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you bythe LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have cometo take refuge!” – Book of Ruth 2:12 She was 5 feet tall, about 100 pounds and a Giant amongst men. Known as ‘notorious’, RBG, Ruth, … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday Nineteen years ago today, our nation saw real courage through the devastation. There is no way to offer enough gratitude to all those that risked their lives to save others. That day, like all days, there are people who RISK THEIR LIVES EVERYDAY FOR US, for YOU! They risk their health, their marriages, … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday I know this is going to sound like the beginning of a joke – BUT – if we put a priest, a rabbi, a nun and a minister together in a room, what color do they all have in common? Black. They will all be wearing some shade of black. BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL!!! … Read more