Hello AllHappy Friday I know this is going to sound like the beginning of a joke – BUT – if we put a priest, a rabbi, a nun and a minister together in a room, what color do they all have in common? Black. They will all be wearing some shade of black. BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL!!! … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday To be or not to bee . . . That is the question. To be hateful or to be loving. To be fearful or to be calm. To be helpful or to be difficult. To be a force for the light or the dark. To bee the sting or bee the honey. To … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday! “We humans, as a species, are interested in communication with extraterrestrial intelligence. Would not a good beginning to that be improved communication with terrestrial intelligence, with other human beings of different cultures and languages, with the great apes, with the dolphins, but particularly with those intelligent masters of the deep, the great … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday! Color Me Americaby Dolly Parton I am red and white and blueThese are colors that ring trueTo all I am and feel and love and doI stand proud and brave and tallI want justice for us allColor me America, red, white and blue I see red when evil speaksSpilling red blood on … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday! Another ‘Lion of the Senate’ has passed into Spirit. A hero in Indiana, Senator Richard Lugar was a deeply committed, highly intelligent and very respected Statesman of the United States. Much like ‘King Richard, the Lionheart’, many men with the name of Richard have the energy, grace, dignity and bravery of the … Read more
Hello All! Happy SPRING andEaster season to you!!! ________________________________________ Messages From Beyondand Private Readings With Annie – This Saturday, April 6thSee info below________________________________________ What’s up doc? Many people can visualize who says that while chewing on a carrot. Bugs Bunny has brought laughter, love, sarcasm and comic joy to billions worldwide. Did anyone ever get … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday! Hoping this finds you WARM and well! Do you believe it’s already time for Punxsutawney Phil to see his shadow? And it’s too cold for Phil to come out, he might freeze! They will force him out anyway. Life can do that to all of us. Today is February 1st. Happy birthday to … Read more
Hello AllHappy Friday! Sending BIG, WARM BEAR HUGS TO YOU!!! Bears are Used by the Divine in so many ways and for so many reasons. Perhaps bears show Up to suggest you stay focused on meditating or staying focused with work. Bears can often show Up when Source would like you enjoying any and all occasions … Read more
Hello All Happy Friday V O T E Tuesday, November 6th WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United … Read more
Hello All Happy Friday With Spirit’s guidance, we have written Godsign messages before about some of Life’s heroes. Two people recently written about with Godsign messages are a ying/yang of greatness in America. One a black woman, the other a white man. Both spent their lives laboring hard to bring a better life to all of … Read more