Hello All
Happy Friday!
The 1st month of the new year – The power of 1.
That very much INCLUDES the one and only YOU!
The power of one person’s words, the Gifts of his/her writings, musings, strokes of a pen can change history. What a Bob writes can change lives.
You will start singing along . . . just watch
One Love!
One Heart!
Let’s get together and feel all right.
Hear the children cryin’ – one love.
Hear the children cryin’ – one heart.
Sayin’, give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right;
Sayin’: let’s get together and feel all right. Wo wo-wo wo-wo!
Let them all pass all their dirty remarks – one love.
There is one question I’d really love to ask – one heart.
Is there a place for the hopeless sinner, who has hurt all mankind just to save his own beliefs?
Love! What about the one heart? One Heart! What about? Let’s get together and
feel all right. As it was in the beginning – one love; so shall it be in
the end – one heart. All right! Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will
feel all right. Let’s get together and feel all right. One more thing!
Let’s get together to
fight this holy armagiddyon – one love. So when the Man comes there will be no,
no doom – one song. Have pity on those whose chances grows t’inner. There ain’t
no hiding place from the Father of Creation.
One Love! What about the One Heart? Let’s get together and feel all
right. I’m pleadin’ to mankind! – one Love; oh, Lord! – one heart.
thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right; let’s get
together and feel all right. Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I
will feel all right; let’s get together and feel all right.
© Bob
Did you find yourself singing along?
The power of one person to have an effect on one people during one day in one era on one planet in this our one world can be historical.
Innumerable powers found in one.
That is a key – to believe in the power of One inside of you! And then act upon that belief. That is the walk all of our world’s major prophets and teachers have made. It is the walk of the Christed One and why many in the world just celebrated His birth. It is the walk of Buddha, Moses and Abraham. It is the walk of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa and Gandhi. They all embraced the power of One in themSelves first and foremost and came to us saying yes we all can do this.
The number and word ONE can bring hope and belief in the power of US…..of us together….Watch for Godsign to present itSelf to you during this time of year in many ways. The symbol of 1 is spelled ONE. The sacred symbol of the full circle O starts that word. Even though the shape of 1 is a stick the word uses the circle to begin its meaning. It is also pronounced the same as the word WON.
Godsign™ runs through our lives everyday and it may not be noticed. There are Messages in our words, symbols and numbers that are so subtle and have become such a part of our lives that we don’t even notice them. Messages seem hidden from us yet they are in plain sight.
The power of one that has won inside themselves.
The power of one that has One inside their self..
That power of One is inside YOU always … in all ways . . .
It is the power inside you that says YES YOU CAN. Yes, you are one who has won! You can do that, you can believe in yourSelf, love yourSelf, do for yourSelf, achieve for yourSelf, receive for yourSelf.
The power of one spirit – your Spirit – that melds itself to the One Source, inside its mind, body and consciousness is indomitable.
Embrace and embolden that power of One inside of you. Love, believe, nurture and act on the First thoughts you have in your heart and mind. God speaks to you First in your thoughts. When you are coming from a place of Love, Light, good works and joy the First thoughts you have are from the divine Source inside of you. Then our mind takes over on those 1st thoughts and you may tell yourSelf all the reasons it isn’t a good idea. You think you are separate from the One and those 1st ideas are just not practical or you think they are politically incorrect. It’s too much work or you might embarrass yourself with that much love and light and honesty in your life. Guess what you’ve done . . .
God, Love, Light, the Angels give you 1st thought and you have 2nd guessed them . . .
That is one way you can place 2nd in your own life… 2nd guessing yourSelf and the power that resides within you!
That is not the Way of one that has won the battle inside themselves but rather one that has ignored the power of One inside. . . inside of each of us.
Watch for God, Godsign and the power of One – the power of 1 – to be used all around you to remind you of just how wonderful YOU ARE and to guide you to be one that has won in Life.
Honoring a John, whose writings changed lives, who died 38 years ago January 8th, and still he changes lives! The power of One . . .
Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
© John Winston Lennon
Imagine lyrics © Downtown Music Publishing
Please keep all those effected by devastating ‘out-of-nowhere’ tragedies in your prayers, sending them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are still so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers!
My second book is now available!
Click below to order Poetry from a butterfly in the Garden
Click below to order my first book A butterfly in the Garden
Meeting Tonight January 4th, at 6:30

Many in our world are aware and know that although their loved one’s Spirit has passed into Heaven the sacred and eternal communications and connections with their loved ones still continue with them after death.
The Griffin Grief Group’s mission is to help everyone learn to strengthen, use and honor the many and varied Sacred Messages received from loved ones in Spirit. Over time, these sacred messages and communications help ease grief through the eternal bonds of God’s Love and Grace.
Whether you have lost your parent or child, spouse or friend, the loss and grief can feel like it will consume your heart. The Griffin Grief Groups are here to help you connect through Spirit with your loved one in Spirit. You will meet others who understand deep grief from their own experiences. Sharing the eternal Connection we all are capable of knowing, seeing and using in our daily life from our loved ones in Heaven allows each of us to realize how deep and everlasting their love is for us in God’s eternal Home and helps lessen grief.
group meets the First Friday’s of every month at Inner Path,
the cost is $15
See additional info at www.myinnerpath.com. Come early as seating is limited.
Spirit Salon
North Side at New
Age People,
5:30 – 7:00 pm
January & February
Cost is $11
In January & February the Spirit Salon is exploring how to develop your ‘Four Clairs’. We will strengthen the 4 main types of your psychic ability referred to by many as ‘the four Clairs’; Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience and Claircognizance. Everyone on this planet is gifted with Clairsentience because we all get ‘goosebumps’. Learn about the various ways your intuitive abilities work and strengthen the connections you have with our Creator and your loved ones in Spirit. Join us for a fun, very intuitive, uplifting and Spirit-filled time!
Come enjoy your trip! The Spirit Salon group, led by Annie Truesdell, meets Tuesday nights from 5:30-7:00 at New Age People.
For additional info visit New Age People at www.newagepeople.com Come early as seating is limited.
All are welcome!
Spirit Salon
Side at Inner Path
– 8:00 pm
January & February
Cost is $11
In January & February the Spirit Salon is exploring how to develop your ‘Four Clairs’. We will strengthen the 4 main types of your psychic, intuitive abilities referred to by many as ‘the four Clairs’; Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience and Claircognizance. Everyone on this planet is gifted with Clairsentience because we all get ‘goosebumps’. Learn about the various ways your intuitive abilities work and strengthen the connections you have with our Creator and your loved ones in Spirit. Join us for a fun, very intuitive, uplifting and Spirit-filled time!
Come enjoy your trip! The Spirit Salon group, led by Annie Truesdell, meets Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 at Inner Path
See additional info for this class and Inner Path at www.myinnerpath.com. Come early as seating is limited.
All are welcome
Side at Inner Path
6:30 – 8:00
January & February
Cost is $11
In January & February the Fun Friday groups will be exploring how to raise your vibrations to increase your intuitive connections, your vitality and your ability to manifest abundance in your life.
We are going to have learn different ways to increase our internal and external vibration fields. We will work with a variety of teachers, modalities, meditations and intuitive development practices.
Please join us for a very intuitive, uplifting and Spirit-filled time. The Spirit Salon group, led by Annie Truesdell, meets Friday nights, except First Fridays, from 6:30-8:00 at Inner Path. Cost is $11.
See additional info for this class and Inner Path at www.myinnerpath.com. Come early as seating is limited.
All are welcome
Please keep all those effected by devastating Terrorism and War tragedies in your prayers, and FOR ALL THE THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN DYING, RUNNING FROM MEN WITH GUNS AND WARS, SCARED. Send them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers!
If anyone is needing help getting rid of a gun, please let me know. I am happy to help get it or you or both to the nearest police station. They will take any guns and destroy them. I have a number of police officer friends that can also assist us.
And the Children shall lead them . . .
You can always look over past few weeks of Godsign™ messages by going to our Godsign Institute page on FACEBOOK!
You can say HELLO to Godsign™ on our FACEBOOK page.
And we really wish you would!
The techno-gurus say that one of the best ways to spread your ‘good stuff’ around the world these days is to be “LIKED” on Facebook. We would LOVE IT IF YOU LIKED US!!
Please visit us as www.facebook.com/godsigninstitute
Give us a thumbs way UP!
“Click” to us today and say Hello!
Looking for a GREAT GIFT?
A butterfly in the Garden

I will be happy to sign any book – just let me know!
Please keep all those effected by awful tragedies in your prayers, sending them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are still so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers!
© Annie Truesdell, 2012
The Godsign Daily Gratitude
Prayer Meditation To Our Divine Source
Thank You for the great experiences that I willhave today.
Thank You for the abundance of love that I will give and receive.
Thank You for the divine guidance
I understand.
Thank You for there always being enough of what I need always, in all ways so that I may share.
Go to www.godsigninstitute.com for details.
Click on Classes We hope to see you there
This Dialogue is Non-Denominational, Non-Judgmental
All Are Welcome, Because God Created the All.
We are all One, one Mind, one Energy, one Universal Spirit.