Hello All
Happy Friday!
Another ‘Lion of the Senate’ has passed into Spirit. A hero in Indiana, Senator Richard Lugar was a deeply committed, highly intelligent and very respected Statesman of the United States. Much like ‘King Richard, the Lionheart’, many men with the name of Richard have the energy, grace, dignity and bravery of the Lion. Not all Richards have those characteristics, but certainly Senator Richard Lugar was well deserving of being considered a ‘Lion of the Senate’.
Richard Lugar was a longtime Republican Senator from Indiana who was highly regarded for his foreign policy leadership. He served in the Senate from 1977 until 2013. His political career began in 1964 when he was elected to the Indianapolis Board of School Commissioners. As the school board’s vice president, he worked to desegregate the city’s schools. He went on to serve two terms as Indianapolis’ mayor before his election to the U.S. Senate in 1976. During his time in the Senate, Lugar twice served as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and eventually became the longest-serving senator in Indiana history, serving 6 terms as a Indiana Senator.
He teamed with Democratic Senator Sam Nunn on the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, which secured the dismantling of weapons of mass destruction in the former Soviet Union. Lugar was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2013 from President Obama.
“He was a very successful politician, but the rare one who managed to come to work every day not thinking about politics,” said Dan Diller, director of policy at the Lugar Center, in an interview with NPR. “He really believed that the United States could be governed by civility and compassion, and he worked very hard to build consensus every day.”
He was a lion and probably the accomplishment he is most proud of is his ‘pride’ – his family. Married to Char Lugar for over 60 years, they have 4 sons, over 17 grandchildren (one of them named Griffin) and over a dozen great-grandchildren. All of them taught and knowing the importance of service and being contributing members of society. All of them very, very proud of him!
His honorable character, sought after foreign affairs experience, highly respected ability to tell truth to power, and quiet but determined strength will be even more missed now as those qualities seem to be so profoundly lacking at this time in our Congress and our country.
Please take a moment, in honor of him and his service to all of us, visualize more people being elected to our Congress that walk Richard and Char’s ‘Lion’ and ‘Lioness’ walk of honesty, integrity, character and an unfailing service to our United States, our laws and our Constitution. We need as many of them as we can get right now.
Thank you Senator Richard Lugar for alllllllll you did for so many in our world. Godspeed and God Bless you!
The turtle lives ‘twixt plated decks
Which practically conceal its sexx.
I think it clever of the turtle
In such a fix to be so fertile.
Ogden Nash, The Turtle, 1933
I am very blessed to live near the Canal in Indianapolis. I get to ride my bike, walk along or just sit on the banks of a magnificently simple waterway whenever I choose. Blue heron and hawks, beaver, raccoons, owls and many, many turtles are just a few of the wondrous animals that live with Mother Earth along the miles of the Canal that stretch from a broad ripple in the White River to downtown Indy. It is a Godsign Mecca of messages, signs and Divine Dialog at anytime through the animals and nature.
Animals of all shapes and sizes have been used for millennium by various cultures to represent the strengths, weaknesses, human conditions and archetypes in our world. One of the oldest of animal symbols used by all cultures around the globe is the turtle.
Many belief systems have taught that turtle represents Mother Earth herself. The Mayan culture saw earth as a huge turtle as did the Chinese. There are 4 sacred creatures in Chinese traditions: the dragon, the phoenix. the unicorn and the turtle – the only ‘real’ animal. The Chinese philosophers regarded the markings on the outer shell of turtles as a map of the constellations and used them in divination practices, considering them sacred
Turtle is thought of as a divine symbol of Goddess energy and wisdom. In the Hindu traditions the turtle Chukwa is one of the ten incarnations of Vishnu and was considered the symbol of meditation and spiritual wisdom.
Native American groups also regard turtle as the symbol for Mother Earth because it had a protective outer shell like the protective outer shell of earth. The North American continent was called Turtle Island by many native tribes because it held everything needed by all the peoples to survive within the waters surrounding it.

How does our Creator use turtles to speak to us? We each have protective shields to help us when feeling attacked or hurt. But do we know to use them and if we do, do we use then wisely and with compassion? Whether it be jealousy or insensitive words, other peoples fears being directed at you or just a fast moving, unthinking ‘rabbit’ type person that is bouncing all around, turtle ‘medicine’ can help you deflect life’s pain and keep you moving on a steady path.
Life will use symbols and pictures of turtles as well as real turtles themselves as Godsign to remind you that you carry all you need inside and within you….as does the turtle. If you are feeling in danger or hurt, pull back, go inside yourself and stay safe. You don’t always need to stick your neck out, especially for others that seem to just want to chop it off. Do your best to quietly and calmly shut them out and you will have protected yourself from the pain.
Turtles speak to us often about Time. The gifts of Time, helping us know when to speed up, slow down to move with the Sacred Flow of Time. Turtles were used in the movie Finding Nemo (of all things) to teach about the Flow of Time, showing us that it is possible to ‘ride’ Time like riding the flow of the East Australian Current – a major Flow of water. The turtle wins the race in Aesop’s ancient folklore. They just keep moving forward and getting it done . . . and as they did in Finding Nemo – riding the Flow that is Time.
Turtles are Used as Godsign to let you know that you are winning the race by slow steady movements forward in time. Turtles don’t go backward, only forward, like the dimension of Time we find ourselves in.
Our divine Creator will use turtles to make you aware of the strength found in slow, sure and steady growth and movement. The turtle beats the hare to the finish line and wins in the ancient fables of Aesop because of its steady determination and persistent forward movement which keeps it focused on the end goal. . Usually it is best for all of us to keep focused and moving in a positive direction, regardless of the pace, towards the finish line of our dreams.
If turtles are showing Up in your life, it could be Life reminding you that you are a WINNER! Turtle reminds us that stronger, faster, bigger are not always the best ways to accomplish your goals and from Creators perspective you are winning at life, even if it doesn’t look like it, sometimes especially when it doesn’t look like it.
The Earth Mother herself will use turtles to show you it is time to reconnect with her Goddess energy, strength, love and healing powers. If you are feeling drained or sad or just in need of a good natural ‘boost’ or pick me Up….Mother Earth will put turtles in your way to remind you that just a few minutes sitting on her soil or slowly floating in her waters will help fill your Self from the ground up with her love, light and energy. That may just be what your Divine Doctor ordered.
Earth Anthem
by The Turtles
And this is but an island in an ocean.
This is our home, third from the sun.
Let it be evergreen.
Let it be evergreen.
And this is but an island in an ocean.
This is our home, third from the sun.
God, keep it evergreen.
To keep it evergreen I would lay my life down.
To hear it sung by The Turtles, click here.
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
The Tokens
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
In the jungle the quiet jungle
The lion sleeps tonight
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
Near the village the peaceful village
The lion sleeps tonight
Near the village the quiet village
The lion sleeps tonight
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
Hush my darling don’t fear my darling
The lion sleeps tonight
Hush my darling don’t fear my darling
The lion sleeps tonight
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
A-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh, a-weema-weh
Songwriters: George David Weiss / Hugo E. Peretti / Luigi Creatore
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Please share them with others to make this a much better world! Right now, we all need all the help we can get oxo
Please keep all those effected by devastating ‘out-of-nowhere’ tragedies in your prayers, sending them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are still so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers!
My second book is now available!
Click below to order Poetry from a butterfly in the Garden
Click below to order my first book A butterfly in the Garden
Meeting tonight First Friday, May 3rd, at 6:30

Many in our world are aware and know that although their loved one’s Spirit has passed into Heaven the sacred and eternal communications and connections with their loved ones still continue with them after death.
The Griffin Grief Group’s mission is to help everyone learn to strengthen, use and honor the many and varied Sacred Messages received from loved ones in Spirit. Over time, these sacred messages and communications help ease grief through the eternal bonds of God’s Love and Grace.
Whether you have lost your parent or child, spouse or friend, the loss and grief can feel like it will consume your heart. The Griffin Grief Groups are here to help you connect through Spirit with your loved one in Spirit. You will meet others who understand deep grief from their own experiences. Sharing the eternal Connection we all are capable of knowing, seeing and using in our daily life from our loved ones in Heaven allows each of us to realize how deep and everlasting their love is for us in God’s eternal Home and helps lessen grief.
Our group meets the First Friday’s of every month at
Inner Path,
the cost is $15
See additional info at www.myinnerpath.com. Come early as seating is limited.
Spirit Salon
Side at New Age People,
5:30 – 7:00 pm
May and June
Cost is $11
In May and June the Spirit Salon will explore the mysteries, magic and answers that are found in Numerology, reading the Godsign in numbers and learning about the Sacred Math found at Sacred Sites around the planet. We will explore the ways to read and see the answers from Spirit Surrounding you in the numbers. You do not have to attend all the groups to understand, each week stands on its own. Come have a wonderfully connected time at the Spirit Salon.
Come enjoy your trip! The Spirit Salon group, led by Annie Truesdell, meets Tuesday nights from 5:30-7:00 at New Age People.
For additional info visit New Age People at www.newagepeople.com Come early as seating is limited.
All are welcome!
Spirit Salon
South Side at Inner Path
– 8:00 pm
May and June
Cost is $11
In May and June, the Spirit Salon is exploring the electrical fields, also known as ‘Chakras”, that run throughout your body running your heart, brain, lungs and all your organ systems. We will have fun learning to use our Charkras for better health, more energy, deeper sleep, happier moods, protection from negativity and strong manifesting. We will enjoy exploring color therapy, energy healing, Reiki, and the sacred energy fields we individually create at all times. It will be a lively and energived time for all in the Spirit Salon. Join us for a fun, very intutive, uplifting and Spirit-filled time!
Come enjoy your trip! The Spirit Salon group, led by Annie Truesdell, meets Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 at Inner Path
See additional info for this class and Inner Path at www.myinnerpath.com. Come early as seating is limited.
All are welcome
South Side at Inner Path
6:30 – 8:00
May & June
Cost is $11
In May and June the Fun Fridays will explore the mysteries, magic and answers that are found in Numerology, reading the Godsign in numbers and learning about the Sacred Math found at Sacred Sites around the planet. We will explore the ways to read and see the answers from Spirit Surrounding you in the numbers. You do not have to attend all the groups to understand, each week stands on its own. Come have a wonderfully connected time on Fun Fridays.
Please join us for a very intuitive, uplifting and Spirit-filled time. The Spirit Salon group, led by Annie Truesdell, meets Friday nights, except First Fridays, from 6:30-8:00 at Inner Path. Cost is $11.
See additional info for this class and Inner Path at www.myinnerpath.com. Come early as seating is limited.
All are welcome
Please keep all those effected by devastating Terrorism and War tragedies in your prayers, and FOR ALL THE THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN DYING, RUNNING FROM MEN WITH GUNS AND WARS, SCARED. Send them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers!
GET RID OF GUNS. If anyone is needing help getting rid of a gun, please let me know. I am happy to help get it or you or both to the nearest police station. They will take any guns and destroy them. I have a number of police officer friends that can also assist us.
And the Children shall lead them . . .
You can always look over past few weeks of Godsign™ messages by going to our Godsign Institute page on FACEBOOK!
You can say HELLO to Godsign™ on our FACEBOOK page.
And we really wish you would!
The techno-gurus say that one of the best ways to spread your ‘good stuff’ around the world these days is to be “LIKED” on Facebook. We would LOVE IT IF YOU LIKED US!!
Please visit us as www.facebook.com/godsigninstitute
Give us a thumbs way UP!
“Click” to us today and say Hello!
Looking for a
A butterfly
in the Garden

I will be happy to sign any
book – just let me know!
Please keep all those effected by awful tragedies in your prayers, sending them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are still so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers!
© Annie Truesdell, 2012
The Godsign Daily Gratitude
Prayer Meditation To Our Divine Source
Thank You for the great experiences that I willhave today.
Thank You for the abundance of love that I will give and receive.
Thank You for the divine guidance
I understand.
Thank You for there
always being enough of what I need always, in all ways so that I may share.
Go to www.godsigninstitute.com for details.
Click on Classes We hope to see you there
This Dialogue is Non-Denominational, Non-Judgmental
All Are Welcome, Because God Created the All.
We are all One, one Mind, one Energy, one Universal Spirit.