Hello All Happy Friday ‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers— That perches in the soul— And sings the tune without the words— And never stops—at all— – Emily Dickinson The Robins are back. The birds are back . . . Spring has sprung. Almost 20 years ago, when I was first ‘waking Up’, a bright red-breasted robin was one of the first animals to prove to me that animals do indeed communicate with all other animals, including us. This robin proved to me what one of her jobs was here on Earth! A friend called me one afternoon and was sad and upset. One of her cats, Scout, was dying and could I come and sit with her. The answer to that was yes, I would be right over. In his long life, Scout had lived up to his name and was one cool cat. When I got there, Kay was out in the backyard with him. Kay’s wife was at work and we all hoped Scout would last until she got home. Kay said that Scout had walked his way out to the back yard, laid down in the sun and hadn’t much moved after that. I could tell his breathing was getting labored. We both just sat down in the grass on either side of Scout sending him BIG LOVE. Right then a robin landed on the lower tree branch closest to us and starting singing her robin’s song. Scout started calming down with Kay and I both keeping an eye on him and listening to the robin. Her song was beautiful and we expected her to fly away. But that was not her job. That robin sang for over 10 minutes. After the first couple of minutes Kay looks at me and wonders how long can a robin keep singing? As the robin kept singing, and singing, and singing, Scouts breathing got easier. Then after about 10 minutes, Scout made a deep loud breath. Both Kay and I looked down. It would be Scout’s last breath. And as she and I both looked up at each other, the robin flew away over the top of us. At the same moment we heard Kay’s wife pull into the driveway in her car. Kay’s wife’s name is Robin. Imagine that . . . — Click here to schedule a reading with Annie today! — I had not thought that animals could speak to any of us, much less believe that animals were Used by Spirit to speak to us. There were times in human history we used to know all animals have messages for us. We knew in the ages when we lived with Mother Earth. We now live on Her. The animals have never stopped speaking to each of us. We just stopped listening. For the hope and healing that seeing a Robin can bring, this week’s Godsign message is for them. Robin animal medicine includes understanding the power of song and happiness. Robins can be a guide for you, helping you to understand the wisdom of accepting change, growth and renewal. Perfect timing by the Robins, as usual. The robin’s red breast symbolizes the activation of creative energy, inciting growth. This is also linked with the Robin’s traditional connection to spring – the season of renewal. Robins’ eggs are powder blue. This color is associated with the throat chakra in humans and also linked to heavenly inspiration. The egg is symbolic of new life, helping you express yourself positively in all you do. You will be led to new beginnings without fear by restoring trust in yourself and your soul. If you meditate on robin, the right path will be shown to you. Robin will incite new growth in all areas of your life, areas that have become stagnant and out-dated. Their song is a happy one, reminding you to let go of your personal drama and learn to laugh with life. Even during times of great sorrow. In Christian stories, the robin was often depicted attending to Jesus as a child, an emblem of the Passion to come. The tiny robin flew to Jesus’ Crown of Thorns, striving bravely to pluck the thorns away with his beak. Unfortunately, the bird only tore his own breast on the thorns. Since then it was thought that robins wore red feathers on their chests as a badge of honor. If robins are one of your guides, you will most probably be a dedicated spiritual seeker. Although growth can be slow and testing, with patience, compassion and proper focus spiritual ideals will be fulfilled. Listen to their song, Spirit is singing love, joy and healing to YOU through them. The robins wouldn’t have it any other Way! Next Weeks Godsign email: The Spirit messages of Cardinals, Blue Jays, Hummingbirds, Blue Herons and other birds bring to you. Rockin’ Robin by Bobby Byrd He rocks in the treetops all day long Hoppin’ and a-boppin’ and singing his song All the little birds on Jaybird Street Love to hear the robin go tweet-tweet-tweet Rockin’ robin, (tweet-tweet-tweet) Rock-rock-rockin’ robin’ (tweet-tweedilly-tweet) Go rockin’ robin ’cause we’re really gonna rock tonight (tweet-tweedilly-tweet) Every little swallow, every chick-a-dee Every little bird in the tall oak tree The wise old owl, the big black crow Flappin’ their wings signin’ “go bird, go” Rockin’ robin, (tweet-tweet-tweet) Rock-rock-rockin’ robin’ (tweet-tweedilly-tweet) Go rockin’ robin ’cause we’re really gonna rock tonight (tweet-tweedilly-tweet) A wordy little raven at the bird’s first dance Taught him how to do the bop and it was grand They started going steady and bless my soul He out-bopped the buzzard and the oriole He rocks in the treetops all day long Hoppin’ and a-boppin’ and singing his song All the little birds on Jaybird Street Love to hear the robin go tweet-tweet-tweet Rockin’ robin, (tweet-tweet-tweet) Rock-rock-rockin’ robin’ (tweet-tweedilly-tweet) Go rockin’ robin ’cause we’re really gonna rock tonight (tweet-tweedilly-tweet) Well, the pretty little raven at the bird bandstand Taught him how to do the bop and it was grand They started going steady and bless my soul He out-bopped the buzzard and the oriole He rocks in the treetops all day long Hoppin’ and a-boppin’ and singing his song All the little birds on Jaybird Street Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet Rockin’ robin, (tweet-tweet-tweet) Rock-rock-rockin’ robin’ (tweet-tweedilly-tweet) Go rockin’ robin ’cause we’re really gonna rock tonight (tweet-tweedilly-tweet) (Tweedilly-tweedilly-deet, tweedilly-tweedilly-deet) (Tweedilly-tweedilly-deet, tweedilly-tweedilly-deet) (Tweedilly-tweedilly-deet, tweedilly-tweedilly-deet) (Tweet-tweet-tweet-tweet) Songwriters: JIMMY THOMAS _________________________________________________________________ STAY HOME – STAY SAFE – STAY STRONG – STAY HEALTHY! Please keep all those effected by this devastating Covid-19 in your prayers. Send them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers! _________________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE OF EVENTS & READINGS If you would like a way to strengthen your Spirit, heart and energy by safely connecting with others, I have Virtual Godsign Spirit groups meeting 3 nights a week. These groups are designed to help us interconnect and keep our sanity, bring healing to ourselves and others and be able to see each other face-to-face even if we can’t be physically face-to-face. Zoom, zoom . . . change . . . VIRTUAL GROUPS On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, from 6:30 till 8:00 pm, I am hosting virtual Spirit groups via Zoom Video Conferencing and GoToMeetings Video Conferencing. During these Spirit Groups, you will get over 1 1/2 hours of fun and Spirit-filled connections, metaphysical discussions with others, and all of it in the comfort of your own comfy chair, couch, table or bed using your phone, laptop, IPad or PC. Stay home, stay connected, stay safe! Interested? You stay home as I help lead discussions and give Spirit and Godsign messages in our meetings. You can see and speak to everyone or not say a word. You attend using your phone, laptop or whatever electronic means you would like. Tuesday and Friday nights, from 6:30 – 8:00 I will be hosting groups through the Godsign Institute and Zoom.com. You don’t need to do anything to join in the fun except send your email address to [email protected] or text me at 317-410-5224. You will receive an invitation via Zoom from me, with attachments of any necessary flyers or sheets on the topic going to be discussed. Click on the Zoom link around 6:30 and you will be connected. This coming week we are exploring how to read and use the Godsign messages surrounding you in the numbers, colors and animals. To attend, please send an email to: [email protected] Wednesday nights, from 6:30 – 8:00 I am having the Spirit Salon groups through Inner Path using www.gotomeeting.com. You don’t need to join gotomeetings, we have already taken care of that. All you will need to do is contact Inner Path at www.myinnerpath.com, or call them at 317-883-1100, and schedule Wednesday nights. This coming Wednesday evening I will be channeling Dr. Maxwell. Inner Path will be offering different groups via video connections every night during the week. Please check out the other groups they are offering. To attend, please go to their website at: www.myinnerpath.com The cost of all of these groups is $11 per session. You can pay me via PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, you can buy tickets on The Godsign Institute page in Facebook or send me a check for Tuesday and Friday nights. For Wednesday nights go to Inner Path’s website shown above. If you have lost your job or cannot afford the $11 right now, you can still make arrangements to join my Tuesday and Friday night groups for free by contacting me at: [email protected]. Come join some wonderful folks in some new virtual Spirit FUN while being safe and sound in your own home. READINGS I am giving readings every Wednesday and Friday from 11 am till 5:30 pm through Inner Path. We will talk through phone or video on gotomeetings. Just contact Inner Path to schedule your reading: www.myinnerpath.com I am available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays as well to give you a phone or video readings via Zoom, Duo or Skype, please email me at: [email protected] Challenging, life altering changes come. You can sit down in the midst of them but you will find it is hard to get to the other side of hardship if you sit down in the middle of it. Or you can somehow keep moving, even while stuck at home, until you get to the other side of the challenging changes and times. You can decide to help all the first responders risking their lives by STAYING HOME. I hope you will come and play with Spirit, myself and others to make the changes a bit easier to get through. We are all in this together to keep love, healing and joy in our world of change. Please LIKE and SHARE The Godsign Institute on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and share our memes and the ‘Knowing’ they bring with others to get Uplifting messages every week like the ones below! ![]() ![]() Please share them with others to make this a much better world! Right now, we all need all the help we can get oxo _________________________________________________________________ Please keep all those effected by devastating ‘out-of-nowhere’ tragedies in your prayers, sending them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are still so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers! _________________________________________________________________ GREAT GIFT IDEA! ![]() My second book is now available! Click here to order: Poetry from a butterfly in the Garden Click here to order my first book: A butterfly in the Garden _______________________________________________________________ GET RID OF GUNS. If anyone is needing help getting rid of a gun, please let me know. I am happy to help get it or you or both to the nearest police station. They will take any guns and destroy them. I have a number of police officer friends that can also assist us.And the Children shall lead them . . . ________________________________________________________________ You can always look over past few weeks of Godsign™ messages by going to our Godsign Institute page on FACEBOOK! You can say HELLO to Godsign™ on our FACEBOOK page. And we really wish you would! The techno-gurus say that one of the best ways to spread your ‘good stuff’ around the world these days is to be “LIKED” on Facebook. We would LOVE IT IF YOU LIKED US!! Please visit us as www.facebook.com/godsigninstitute Give us a thumbs way UP! “Click” to us today and say Hello! ___________________________________________ Looking for a GREAT GIFT? A butterfly in the Garden by Annie ![]() Order KINDLE Version Here Order Hard Copy BOOK Here I will be happy to sign any book – just let me know! _______________________________________ Please keep all those effected by awful tragedies in your prayers, sending them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are still so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers! ______________________ © Annie Truesdell, 2012 The Godsign Daily Gratitude Prayer Meditation To Our Divine Source Thank You for the great experiences that I will have today. Thank You for the abundance of love that I will give and receive. Thank You for the divine guidance I understand. Thank You for there always being enough of what I need always, in all ways so that I may share. Amen Namasté ___________________________________ Go to www.godsigninstitute.com for details. Click on Classes We hope to see you there | |