Hello All
Happy Friday
The LORD repay you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you by
the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come
to take refuge!” – Book of Ruth 2:12
She was 5 feet tall, about 100 pounds and a Giant amongst men.
Known as ‘notorious’, RBG, Ruth, Mom, Grandma and Madame Justice, she helped change our world for the better.
There will be many baby girls named Ruth in the next few years and a big uptick in the number of brilliant, passionate and wondrous young women joining law schools all over the world for generations to come. Wait for it . . . it will come to be.
From a Godsign perspective, if you have a name that is also the name of a Book from the Bible, you have a very powerful name. The Book of Ruth is about a woman who consistently did the loving and righteous thing, was faithful to her people, courageous in her walk and a most favored Daughter of the Hebrew people.
When someone is known in the world by one name they have transformed humankind in some way. Like George, Abe, Hamilton, McCain, Lewis, Kennedy, King and Reagan, Ruth strengthened the bonds of Justice and Law holding together the truths of OUR Democracy. And Lady Justice herself listened. Ruth spoke louder than anyone in a long time that liberties and legal rights should be the same for all of us.
“Dissents speak to a future age. It’s not simply to say, ‘My colleagues are wrong and I would do it this way.’ But the greatest dissents do become court opinions and gradually over time their views become the dominant view. So that’s the dissenter’s hope: that they are writing not for today, but for tomorrow.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg
On September 18, 2020 this incredible person, Justice, teacher, leader and woman passed into Spirit. The date itself adds up to 22 – a master is passing on a mastery date. 9 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 22 Imagine that.
A deeply honored and profoundly loved Jewish woman, she passes on Rosh Hashanah, a high holy day, the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah, literally means the “head of the year”. It is a time of inner renewal and divine atonement. The ‘Head of her Class” was brought to her Creator at the head of the year . . . Imagine that.
Joan Ruth Bader was born on March 15, 1933, in Brooklyn, New York. (Notice how double digits seem to follow her around) She grew up in a low-income, working-class neighborhood in Brooklyn. Ginsburg’s mother, Celia did not attend college, but instead worked in a garment factory to help pay for her brother’s college education, an act of selflessness that Ruth never forgot. Sadly, Ruth’s mother struggled with cancer throughout Ruth’s high school years and died the day before her high school graduation.
She did it first . . . Ruth became Columbia University’s first female tenured professor. During the 1970s, she also served as the director of the Women’s Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union, for which she argued six landmark cases on gender equality before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be the first woman to lie in state in the United States Capitol.
“This is something central to a woman’s life, to her dignity. It’s a decision that she must make for herself. And when government controls that decision for her, she’s being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg
She did it to bring fairness to and for everyone . . . Ruth also believed that the law was gender-blind and all groups were entitled to equal rights. One of the five cases she won before the Supreme Court involved a portion of the Social Security Act that favored women over men because it granted certain benefits to widows but not widowers. She caused it to be fair to all.
Ruth was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1993 (double digits again) by President Clinton, selected to fill the seat vacated by Justice Byron White and was easily confirmed by the Senate, 96–3.
“When I’m sometimes asked ‘When will there be enough (women on the Supreme Court)?’ and my answer is: ‘When there are nine.’ People are shocked. But there’d been nine men, and nobody’s ever raised a question about that.” – Ruth Bader Ginsberg
She did it to try to bring all people equal pay for equal work . . . In 2007, Justice Ginsburg broke with tradition and read her dissent aloud in an effort to bring attention to the gender pay gap. The case was Ledbetter v. Goodyear. Lilly Ledbetter, a retired Goodyear employee, sued the company for gender discrimination after she discovered that throughout her 19 years at the company, she had been systematically paid less than her male counterparts.
In a 5–4 decision, the Supreme Court dismissed Ledbetter’s claim, ruling that according to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, she only had 180 days after an instance of discrimination to take her employer to court. In her dissent, Ginsburg pointed out that Ledbetter couldn’t have filed her lawsuit any sooner because she wasn’t aware of the years of discrimination she faced until years after the fact. Ginsburg reasoned this was how racial and gender disparities often cropped up, revealing themselves slowly.
“The Court’s insistence on immediate contest overlooks common characteristics of pay discrimination,” she wrote. “Pay disparities often occur, as they did in Ledbetter’s case, in small increments; cause to suspect that discrimination is at work develops over time. Comparative pay information, moreover, is often hidden from the employee’s view.” – Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
She did it for all of us needing medical help and wanting to live their truth . . . In 2015, Ruth sided with the majority in two landmark Supreme Court rulings. On June 25th she was one of the six justices to uphold a critical component of the 2010 Affordable Care Act — often referred to as Obamacare — in King v. Burwell. The decision allows the federal government to continue providing subsidies to Americans who purchase health care through “exchanges,” regardless of whether they are state or federally operated. (I was SAVED by this decision and Senator John McCain’s vote to be able to have health insurance today.)
On June 26, the Supreme Court handed down its second historic decision in as many days, with a 5–4 majority ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges that made same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states. Ruth is considered to have been instrumental in the decision, having shown public support for the idea in past years by officiating same-sex marriages and by challenging arguments against it during the early proceedings of the case.
She did it throughout her own health challenges . . . Ruth endured several health scares after being appointed to the bench, undergoing surgery for colon cancer, pancreatic cancer and lung cancer. She was hospitalized in November 2018 after falling in her office and fracturing three ribs.
In May 2020, one day after the Court heard arguments via teleconference for the first time due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was announced that the senior justice had again been hospitalized, to undergo a nonsurgical treatment for a gallbladder infection.
In July 2020, Ruth let it be known that she was undergoing chemotherapy for a “recurrence of cancer” on her liver. But it still didn’t stop her. She worked till it was time for her to go Home. And it was timed for her to be Home with her husband Marty and her mom on the Jewish New Year.
“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”
“When a thoughtless or unkind word is spoken, best tune out. Reacting in anger or annoyance will not advance one’s ability to persuade.”
From her book My Own Words, 2016
“I went to law school when women were less than 3% of lawyers in the country; today, they are 50%. I never had a woman teacher in college or in law school. The changes have been enormous. And they’ve just — they’ve gone much too far (to be) going back.”
From a 2019 NPR interview
“I see my advocacy as part of an effort to make the equality principle everything the founders would have wanted it to be if they weren’t held back by the society in which they lived and particularly the shame of slavery. I don’t think my efforts would have succeeded had it not been for the women’s movement that was reviving in the United States and more or less all over the world at the time.” From a 2013 WNYC interview
“And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you ask,
for all my fellow townsmen know that you are a worthy woman.”
– The Book of Ruth 3:11
Those mastery double digits again. 11-22-33, she didn’t miss a one.
God Blesses you Ruth. THANK YOU for all you did for all of us
and will continue to do for generations upon
generations to come oxoxoxoxo
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messages every week like the ones below!
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Please keep all those effected by this devastating Covid-19
in your prayers. Send them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers!
If you would like a way to strengthen your Spirit, heart and energy by safely connecting with others, I have Virtual Godsign Spirit groups meeting 3 nights a week. These groups are designed to help us interconnect and keep our sanity, bring healing to ourselves and others and be able to see each other face-to-face even if we can’t be physically face-to-face.Zoom, zoom . . . change . . .
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, from 6:30 till 8:00 pm, I am hosting virtual Spirit groups via Zoom Video Conferencing. During these Spirit Groups, you will get over 1 1/2 hours of fun and Spirit-filled connections, metaphysical discussions with others, and all of it in the comfort of your own comfy chair, couch, table or bed using your phone, laptop, IPad or PC. Stay home, stay connected, stay safe!
You stay home as I help lead discussions and give Spirit and Godsign messages in our meetings. You can see and speak to everyone or not say a word. You attend using your phone, laptop or whatever electronic means you would like.
Tuesday and Wednesday nights, from 6:30 – 8:00
I will be hosting groups through the Godsign Institute and Zoom.com. You don’t need to do anything to join in the fun except send your email address to [email protected] or text me at 317-410-5224. You will receive an invitation via Zoom from me, with attachments of any necessary flyers or sheets on the topic going to be discussed. Click on the Zoom link around 6:30 and you will be connected.
Friday nights at Inner Path, from 6:30 – 8:00
When the weather is nice and there is no chance of rain, I am having the Spirit Salon groups through Inner Path. All you will need to do is contact Inner Path at www.myinnerpath.com , or call them at 317-883-1100, and schedule Friday nights.The cost of all of these groups is $11 per session. We all sit spaced out and you must wear a mask to get in.
On Tuesday and Wednesday nights, you can pay me via PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, you can buy tickets on The Godsign Institute page in Facebook or send me a check. For Friday nights go to Inner Path’s website shown above.
If you have lost your job or cannot afford the $11 right now, you can still make arrangements to join my Tuesday and Wednesday night groups for free by contacting me at: [email protected]
Come join some wonderful folks in some new virtual Spirit FUN while being safe and sound in your own home.
I am giving readings every Wednesday and Friday from 11 am till 5:30 pm through Inner Path. We will talk through phone or video on gotomeetings.com Just contact Inner Path to schedule your reading: www.myinnerpath.com
I am available to give you readings on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays as well via phone, Zoom, Duo or Skype, please email me at: [email protected]
I hope you will come and play with Spirit, myself and others to make the changes a bit easier to get through. We are all in this together to keep love, healing and joy in our world of change.
Please keep all those effected by this devastating Covid-19 in your prayers. Send them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers!
GET RID OF GUNS. If anyone is needing help getting rid of a gun, please let me know. I am happy to help get it or you or both to the nearest police station. They will take any guns and destroy them. I have a number of police officer friends that can also assist us. And the Children shall lead them . . .
You can always look over past few weeks of Godsign™ messages by going to our Godsign Institute website. www.godsigninstitute.com
You can say HELLO to Godsign™ on our FACEBOOK page.
And we really wish you would!
The techno-gurus say that one of the best ways to spread your ‘good stuff’ around the world these days is to be “LIKED” on Facebook. We would LOVE IT IF YOU LIKED US!!
Please visit us as www.facebook.com/godsigninstitute
Give us a thumbs way UP!
“Click” to us today and say Hello!
Looking for a GREAT GIFT?
A butterfly in the Garden
by Annie

I will be happy to sign any book – just let me know!
Please keep all those effected by awful tragedies in your prayers, sending them healing Waves of God’s Light, Strength and Love. There are still so many in pain, just trying to get through. Thank you for your help and prayers!
© Annie Truesdell, 2012
The Godsign Daily Gratitude
Prayer Meditation To Our Divine Source
Thank You for the great experiences that I will have today.
Thank You for the abundance of love that I will give and receive.
Thank You for the divine guidance
I understand.
Thank You for there always being enough of what I need always, in all ways so that I may share.
Go to www.godsigninstitute.com for details.
Click on Classes We hope to see you there